Relationship with employee representatives and employee rights

The Siltronic Group works together with employee representatives in a spirit of trust and there are regular meetings between employer and employee representatives. Our workforce has always been strongly unionized, especially in Germany.

If the employer is bound by a collective bargaining agreement, Siltronic undertakes in the employment contract to treat employees as if the respective collective bargaining agreement applied – regardless of their membership in a trade union.

At locations without established company representation, employees are appointed to act as contact persons for employee concerns. In addition to remuneration and working hours, the right to parental leave is one of the most important employee rights in Germany.

Information on current developments

Siltronic regularly informs its employees about current developments that could have an impact on the course of business. Employees receive timely and comprehensive information on significant operational changes. In doing so, we comply with the relevant national and international information obligations.

Special features for foreign employees

At our production site in Singapore, we employ a large number of foreign workers, mainly from Malaysia, mainland China and India. In accordance with the Responsible Business Alliance industry initiative, we apply regulations on working hours and agency fees that go well beyond the legal standard in Singapore. We undertake to cover relevant expenses incurred by foreign workers, in particular travel costs, expenses for medical examinations and visa fees.

Feedback culture

Siltronic cultivates an open feedback culture, which is reflected in various processes. One form is formalized individual performance reviews, in which the employee receives feedback from their line manager on how the employee's development is viewed and their skills and potential are assessed. Another area of the appraisal interview concerns the employee's feedback to the line manager. Another form is a form on the intranet that employees can use to put questions to management in the run-up to staff meetings. These questions can also be asked anonymously.

Supply chain

Our own Code of Conduct and the Code of Conduct of the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) contain provisions on freedom of association. We require our suppliers to comply with these at their own premises and in their supply chain.

Relevant downloads

Career at Siltronic

At our locations in Asia, Europe and the USA, we offer pupils, students, career starters and experts a wide range of opportunities for professional development. Find out more about a career at Siltronic AG.

Annual report

Audited information and key figures on sustainability at Siltronic can be found in our current annual report.

Supply chain

Commitment to greater sustainability in the value chain.

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