What are conflict minerals?

Conflict minerals can be the minerals tantalum, tin, tungsten, gold, including in their mineral form, as well as cobalt and mica ("3TG+CM") provided they are mined in the Democratic Republic of Congo or in neighboring countries and are also a source of financing for armed groups that commit human rights violations in these regions.

Relevance for Siltronic

Even if Siltronic does not source these minerals directly, we are aware that conflict minerals can occur in the supply chain. Siltronic therefore also requires its suppliers to comply with all applicable laws worldwide and the principles set out in its Code of Conduct. We expect our suppliers not to source conflict minerals.

Approach to exclude conflict minerals

Siltronic has established a procedure for the procurement of conflict-free minerals, the so-called Conflict Minerals Procedure. This defines the requirements for a due diligence review of the supply chain in order to identify the origin of potential conflict minerals:

  • Every supplier that we invite to register in our supplier system must provide mandatory information on the use or procurement of conflict minerals.

  • Questions on conflict materials are included in our criteria catalog for supplier audits.

  • Part of this review is also the confirmation or certification of suppliers that potential conflict minerals do not originate from the Democratic Republic of the Congo or neighboring countries. This due diligence process goes back to the inspection of the smelters on an ad hoc basis.

Procurement decisions may only be made on the basis of this due diligence review of the supply chain. Compliance with the Conflict Minerals Procedure is mandatory for Siltronic and its suppliers.

Detecting and dealing with violations

All employees must report violations or suspicious circumstances to the local Compliance Officer or the Legal Department that could indicate a possible violation of the law or the Conflict Minerals Procedure. Suppliers or third parties who have concerns in this regard are requested to contact the relevant Siltronic Compliance Hotline.

If we identify a risk relating to conflict minerals in our supply chain, we will take appropriate measures immediately.

Annual report

Audited information and key figures on sustainability at Siltronic can be found in our current annual report.

Whistleblower system

Violations of legal requirements or Siltronic guidelines can be reported here – anonymously if necessary.

Supply chain

Commitment to greater sustainability in the value chain.

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